End of Season Tournament

Each season, players in every division will compete with each other to qualify for the end of season tournament.

These tournaments offer many cash rewards.

To qualify for the end of season tournament, you must score 4 wins but 6 total matches played during the season.

End of Season Tournament Draw and Seeding

  • The day following the end of a season, qualified players will be placed in the draw, and 1/4th of the players will be seeded based on:

Their overall season record. For example, 7-1 means +6, and 5-0 means +5 and would be placed second. To encourage more match play, 7-1 will be weighed heavier than 6-0

If players are tied, their in season head to head matchups would determine who goes higher

If players are still tied, their in-season games won would be the next criteria

If they are still tied, the final criteria would be their overall ranking points during this year

Player’s task

You are responsible for scheduling your matches at the appropriate time for you by sending an invite to your opponent in the draw through the app, or by accepting their invite.

Court booking falls under the resposibility of the player initiating the invite.

The invite will include your preferred court, options on how to handle court fees, what balls to use, and whether you want to declare a winner if time runs out no matter the score or if you want to continue the match another day

End of Season Tournament Rules

  • Each round must be played within 2-4 days of tournament start/previous round.

  • Late matches must be communicated to the league admin to be accepted, otherwise both players will default out of the tournament. A reminder notification will be sent to players 2 days prior to the deadline

  • Both players/teams must play fairly and must make the line calls for their side of the court without delay. The best approach to any disagreement is to replay the point

  • Players must agree on match format prior to starting. If no agreement occures, the default match format will be enforced (best of 3 full set match).

  • Players must review the score after the match, and the winner must submit the score immediately through the app to avoid any mistakes. Any changes to the score must be reported within 5 minutes of score submission

  • The end of season tournament rewards are different for each league depending on sponsors. (Check out the end of season tournament rewards page for current league rewards and more information)

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